NZX Hydro

The New Zealand electricity market's premier source for hydro-power information

Call us on +64 4 495 2801 Email us to Sign up

Storage chart loading...

Create custom reports comparing inflow, storage and means from 1926.

Filter data by location, date and more, then compare against means, max and mins.
  • An example of the date-picker part of the report-builder form
  • An example of the location-picker part of the report-builder form
Download custom reports as tables and charts and save filters for future use.
An example of downloaded chart

If you have questions or would like a demo, please get in touch!

Call us on +64 4 495 2801 Email us to Sign up!

Hydroelectric Power in New Zealand

Hydroelectric power is a very important part of New Zealand’s electrical grid. Depending on rainfall, hydro generation typically accounts for between 55% and 65% of New Zealand’s power generation. During periods of high rainfall this percentage can climb to more than 70%.